Trainer Name: PokeGamerBoy17
Rank: Master
Favorite Roles:Defender
This profile is out of date, as I find it difficult to keep up with. Feel free to continue using the builds here, as they are likely still viable, but depending on how long it's been, it might not be. I’ve been playing Pokémon Unite since release, and I've managed to figure out how to play effectively. In lots of different games, I learn the complex mechanics behind builds by trial-and-error. I try to throw a few things together that I think might work, and I test and modify and test again until it works, which is time-consuming, but extremely effective. (Trust me, I have about 69 unused teams in Pokémon Showdown.) I try to put things together strategically, and sometimes even follow the meta, so to maximize the effectiveness of each individual build for my own playstyle. I have recently learned the competitive style of play in 5-stacks, which is a highly coordinated, expert level style of game that we see in competition. Because of this, my builds for each Pokémon are constantly changing to fit an individual team composition. However, most of the builds here are ones that I still use (the past ones that were never good have been deleted due to irrelevance), so they are still viable options for the most part. As you may have noticed, I love playing defenders. However, while I've mastered the playstyles of many of them, they're not the only Pokémon I ever play. In fact, my first ever main was Greninja (if you don't count the Charizard I unlocked as my starter). So, there are many other viable builds on my profile that aren't just defenders. Feel free to look around, and see if you can make your own builds based on mine!
Favorite Pokemon
Mewtwo Y But Better

Big Boom Lapras

Razor Leaf Decidueye

Sniper Decidueye

Assist Blastoise

Just A Tsareena Build

Hindering Blastoise

Finisher Goodra

Physical Greninja

Power Greninja

Offensive Blastoise

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