No-Stack Lane Bully Scizor - GengarFighter1470109
No stacking, no problem! *Scizor Buff Edition*
Build Path

Fury CutterFirst Pick

Swords Dance
Increased Damage. 8th Attack: Piercing damage in a line.

Illusion Dive (Green / Red)UNITE
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Stacking is a part of the meta, but such a pain. Do you not want to risk falling behind and going with something more consistent? Do you want to avoid dying early-game as Scyther? Do you want to make sure your lane partner has backup? Then this is the kit for you!
Focus Band: Adds on necessary bulk and a last ditch heal if you're in a pinch in early-game. Luckily, with this non-stack build removes the risk of going to the enemy's goal. Later on in the game, this will also add some more bulk as well.
Muscle Band: Swords Dance requires 8 punches for that sweet AOE attack. Run this to get you pumping out that move much faster with basic attacks. In addition to giving you additional power, you'll be able to sustain yourself easily with non-stop hits.
Weakness Policy: The staple for any all-rounder that brawls. Some extra health, some power, and a passive that builds up your attack the more times you get hit. Longevity gives you power, and this fits perfectly with Scizor's playstyle.
The Strategy
Early-Game: Farm. Farm. Farm. The sooner you get to level 5, the sooner you get Bullet Punch and unlock your bulk. You don't need to risk going to the other team's goal and can deny enemy stacks. If anything, let them come back to your goal and you can slice them up there. Quick Attack works wonders for both a secure for farm and Fury Cutter is your main way to deal damage.
Mid-Game: Swords Dance at level 7 is when you get your kit and can really start doing some damage. At this point you want to try going for squishy targets like Decidueye, Delphox, etc. and punish out-of-position speeders like Gengar, Zeraora, etc. Just make sure to not overextend. Scizor isn't durable enough to handle a 1v5, and you will get deleted if you engage poorly.
Your Unite comes in at level 9 and you'll want to use this move to where you trap the opponent around an objective. Then you'll want to knock them into one of the clones while shoving them away from that objective. This is also handy when the enemy is around half health or below, and they're trying to defend a goal.
Late Game: Play around your team and engage the squishy, high-damage characters first, if you can. Just be very careful you stay away from anything that can hard CC you (stuns).
Counters: Gravity Clefable | Slowbro
Gravity: Cancels dash moves and thereby makes this kit useless, and you are basically dead.
Slowbro: Scald cuts your atk and slows you down. Telekinesis or its Unite will lock you down.
Emblem Build: 6 white | 4 brown | 2 blue | 2 purple | 1 Navy
White: Pidgeotto, Fearrow, Pidgeot, Kangeskhan
Brown: Primeape
Mixed Emblems: Nidoqueen, Poliwrath, Gyarados, Nidoking (SILVER PREFERRED), Dragonite.
Optimized with 9 Gold, 1 Silver.
HP: 300
Atk: 5.6
Defense: -4.0
Sp.Atk: -21.0
Sp. Def: -5.0
Speed: 0.0
Crit Rate: 0.0
CDR: 0.0
*NOTE*: Silver is preferred for Nidoking due to how the game rounds up stats. With a silver Nidoking, you are getting a higher stat gain and lower debuff.
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user GengarFighter1470109 for sharing this guide on how to play Scizor. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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