

A brawler that specializes in sustained combat, but can remain un-evolved as Scyther to focus on assassination instead.
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Bulky Brawler

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Basic Attack
Every third attack deals increased damage.
Scyther: Increases move speed.
Scizor: Slows the opponent and stacks an increase to your Defense.
3rd Attack: Scyther: Increased Damage. Swift. Scizor: Increased Damage. Slow. Defense (stacks). See in-game description
Scyther: Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing additional damage and increasing the user's movement speed for a short time. Scizor: Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, decreasing the movement speed of opposing Pokemon when it hits and increasing the user's Defense for a short time. This Defense increase can stack.

Performs two basic attacks after using moves. The extra attack is weaker.
Double attack after moves.
See in-game description
After this Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack will change and deal two consecutive basic attacks instead. The second of these deals decreased damage.
Level 1 / 3

Fury Cutter
Slashes twice, with increased damage on the second slash.
See in-game description
Has the user slash twice with its scythes in a cone in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits. The second slash deals more damage than the first.

Quick Attack
Dashes forward, dealing damage in a line.
See in-game description
Has the user dash forward, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it makes contact with along the way.
Level 5Choose One

Dual Wingbeat
Learning Dual Wingbeat will cause you to remain un-evolved as Scyther. Slashes twice in an X pattern, stealing HP at the center of the attack. On second activation, dash in a chosen direction, assassinating opponents in a line.
Upgrade: Increased damage.
Damage. HP Vamp. Command dash.
See in-game description
Has the user slash in front of itself with both of its scythes, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the X-shaped area of effect. If this move deals damage to an opposing Pokemon in the center of the X-shaped area of effect, it restores the user's HP. If this move hits an opposing Pokemon, it can be used again within a set amount of time. If this move is used again, the user dashes in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it makes contact with. The dash deals more damage the lower the opposing Pokemon's HP is.
Upgrade: Increases the damage dealt by this move.

Bullet Punch
Learning Bullet Punch will evolve you into Scizor. Dashes forward and punches up to five times with repeated use, stealing hp and reducing cooldowns on-hit.
Upgrade: Shield.
Increasing Damage per use. HP Vamp. CDR. (+)Shield.
See in-game description
Has the user dash in the designated direction and strike opposing Pokemon with tough punches. If this move hits opposing Pokemon, its cooldown is reduced, and the user recovers a portion of its HP based on the amount of damage dealt. If Bullet Punch is used again within a set amount of time, the number of punches and the amount of damage dealt increase. The number of punches increases from three to a maximum of five.
Upgrade: Also grants a shield if this move hits opposing Pokemon.
Level 7Choose One

Double Hit
Bounces off an enemy, marking it, then dashes in with a boosted attack. Defeating a marked opponent resets the cooldown of your other moves.
Upgrade: Reduced cooldown.
Damage. Marks opponents. Cooldown reset.
See in-game description
Has the user jump in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits during the jump and applying a mark to them. After the user hits opposing Pokemon with this move, it jumps again in the designated direction. When the user lands, its next basic attack becomes a boosted attack and it charges at a nearby opposing Pokemon. If a marked opposing Pokemon is knocked out, all of the user's move cooldowns are reduced.
Upgrade: Reduces this move's cooldown.

Swords Dance
Increases your attack and causes every 8th attack to fire a piercing attack forward in a line.
Upgrade: Increased defense while dashing.
Increased Damage. 8th Attack: Piercing damage in a line.
See in-game description
Has the user dash a short distance, increasing its Attack for a short time. While the user's Attack is increased, the user's eighth basic attack becomes an area-of-effect attack that pierces through opposing Pokemon in a line.
Upgrade: Also reduces the damage the user receives from opposing Pokemon while dashing.
Level 9

Illusion Dive (Green / Red)
Leaps to an opponent, marking it, and creates damaging clones of yourself in a circle. Defeating a marked opponent resets the cooldown of your other moves.
Scyther: On second activation, recalls the clones to you.
Scizor: Clones also slow. On second activation, shove and stun an opponent.
See in-game description
Green Illusion Dive: Has the user dash and attack a designated Pokemon on the opposing team, then create five illusory copies of itself that each dash a set distance from the user. The copies deal damage to opposing Pokemon they make contact with and apply a mark to them. After a short time, the copies return to the user, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon they make contact with. This move can be used again before the illusory copies return to the user. If it is used again, the user dashes in the designated direction and deals damage to opposing Pokemon it hits. At the end of the dash, the copies dash to the user's location. If a copy makes contact with an opposing Pokemon while dashing, the copy deals damage to that Pokemon and disappears. If a marked opposing Pokemon is knocked out, all of the user's move cooldowns are reduced.
Red Illusion Dive: Has the user dash before throwing consecutive punches at a designated Pokemon on the opposing team, decreasing that Pokémon‘s movement speed. As the last punch is thrown, five illusory copies of the user are created that each dash a set distance from the user. If a copy hits an opposing Pokemon while dashing, it deals damage, decreases that Pokémon‘s movement speed, then disappears. For a short time, this move can be used again. If this move is used again, the user dashes in the designated direction and deals damage to opposing Pokemon it hits before punching the ground, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect. If the user hits a Pokemon on the opposing team while dashing, the user grabs that Pokemon and continues dashing. If the grabbed Pokemon hits an illusory copy, it will be left incapacitated.