Bulky Brawler Scizor - GengarFighter1470109
Maximize your sustain with the attack to back it.
Build Path

Fury CutterFirst Pick

Double Hit
Damage. Marks opponents. Cooldown reset.

Illusion Dive (Green / Red)UNITE
Razor Claw
After using a move, the Pokémon's next basic attack deals more damage. If held by a melee Pokémon, the basic attack also slows opposing Pokémon.
Stat Boosts
Attack Damage (Upon Goal)
Early Game: Stack at least once and then focus on farming and defending point. You will not have the bulk as Scyther to stack more on your own. Once you hit level 5 you will have the bulk to (hopefully) handle a 1v2 or a 2v3. MAKE SURE TO STAY ON POINT UNTIL THE ENEMY TEAM IS DEAD. The healing from the point combined with the healing from Bullet Punch should win you the fight so you can counter-push. Once the fight is finished, you can fit in more stacks to maximize your offense with Attack Weight.
Mid-Game: Scizor can do great on 1v1s but this is highly dependent on how many stacks you get in early game. Squishy Pokemon like Delphox/Decidueye/etc. are great for taking down. Double Hit is essential for closing the distance or getting over the front line. There's a lot of utility for escaping as well. For team fights, make sure you are not diving into battle first; make sure you have backup. Scizor, in a way, works like a more defensive Azumarill.
Late Game: Not very different from the mid-game strategy. You have infinitely more freedom but just make sure to choose your targets wisely. This Pokemon is very macro-heavy so be sure to know what your limits are and back off when things get heavy.
Emblem Build: 6 White | 4 Brown | 2 Blue | 2 Purple
White: Ratticate, Fearrow, Gyarados, Pidgeot, Kangeskan, and Lickitung.
Brown/Blue/Purple: Nidoking, Poliwrath, Nidoqueen, Primeape.
Stats (Optimized with Gold Emblems):
HP: 200.0
Atk: 6.0
Defense: 5.0
Sp. A: -24.0
Sp. D: 5.0
Speed: -35.0
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user GengarFighter1470109 for sharing this guide on how to play Scizor. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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