fast fire birb Talonflame - TrainerUltan
just score, score, SCORE
Build Path

AcrobaticsFirst Pick
Damage. Dash.

Flame Charge
Damage. Increased movement speed. (+)Deal partial True Dmg for a short time..


Flame SweepUNITE
Unstoppable. Damage. Displacement.
Score Shield
Receive a shield while charging up to score a goal. While shielded, incoming attacks will not stop you from charging up.
Stat Boosts
Shield and Focus (Score Attempt)
Attack Damage (Upon Goal)
the new changes on the new map are awesome, with something like zapdos determining the whole game with a bush snipe gone, some strategies that were considered throwing have become more viable like backcapping during the final stretch, scoring a lot of points and breaking goals during team fights, etc
(do note that these strats aren't viable all the time, there are still backcaps that might put your team at great disadvantages, and not every mon can backcap properly)
thanks to these changes, mons with super high mobility and cool scoring animations like talonflame have become pretty good rn, so a build like this isn't garbage anymore
so float stone is pretty essential since it gives movement speed out of combat which is great for roaming around a big stadium, it also gives you some extra attack so that's nice
score shield gives you a shield when scoring which makes big scores a bit easy
i personally run attack weight cuz since you are scoring a lot, a bit more attack would be nice, aeos cookie is pretty good too if you want a fatter score shield
other items you can run: razor claw for crits, buddy barrier or focus band to live, or maybe even an exp share for even more mobility (tho exp share on speedsters sucks)
goal getter has finally became viable (kinda), it can help you get in those big scores around the final stretch, you can also run x speed if you want even more mobility
this build is mostly used for invading, but you can also take it to top lane or jungle if you suck at invading like me, just see if you can start snatching enemy jungle if it is available
if invading then go for accelgor cuz junglers usually go defeat escavalier first, then head to the nearest goal zone and score the four points, steal as much farm as possible and if you get ko'd head to the lane you called and stay there till the next enemy jungle buffs spawn
talonflame's ability gale wings give you movement speed at high hp, which is nice for roaming
fly is an awesome move for this build, if you get in a problem you can literally fly away, it also has good secure
flame charge gives you good mobility as well
flame sweep has great cc and can be also used to get away, since it charges real fast and you are scoring a million times you can get it back pretty quickly
a good boost emblem loadout for talonflame is 7 yellow, 3 black and 1 purple with the following emblems:
pikachu, raichu, magnemite, magneton, electrode (←these five should be BRONZE), voltorb, electabuzz, golbat, zubat (or ekans/arbok for atk), and gengar
if you want more attack and hp for less movement speed you can also run the standard 6 brown, 4 white, 2 blue and 2 purple, with the following emblems:
machamp, primeape (or sandslash), marowak, nidoking, nidoqueen, kabutops (or poliwrath), pidgeot (or kangaskhan), fearow, tauros (or meowth/persian), and gyarados
talonflame is the only regional bird in unite rn, i would like to see more someday
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user TrainerUltan for sharing this guide on how to play Talonflame. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Talonflame in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Talonflame's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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