asmr basic atttacks Aegislash - TrainerUltan
this spooky sword counters pretty much everything
Build Path

Sacred Sword
AOE Damage. Displacement. Increase boost count. (+) Damage done by zone increases Attack.

Wide Guard
Shield. Displacement. Increase boost count. (+) Reduce this move's cooldown.

Coup de GraceUNITE
AOE Damage. More damage against low HP opponents. Increase boost count on knockout.
Razor Claw
After using a move, the Pokémon's next basic attack deals more damage. If held by a melee Pokémon, the basic attack also slows opposing Pokémon.
Stat Boosts
this is a very consistent build for aegislash that does everything you want an all-rounder to do, deal loads of damage while being a bit tanky too
there are a lot of items that work very well with aegislash, tho weakness and razor are probably the best items cuz the meta is weird
you want to take it into lane, though jungle is pretty good too (in jungle you can go a full tank build by replacing razor claw with a buddy barrier)
the third item can be pretty much anything, here are some good ones:
- focus band (more defenses always nice)
- attack weight (stacking isn't required but it works)
- buddy barrier (for living)
- muscle band (those basics in sword form gonna hurt)
- energy amplifier (that unite move gonna hit like a truck)
- float stone (for invading enemy jungle)
- and scope lens (crits are nice, maybe with shadow claw)
x speed is great but you can also run full heal so you don't get interrupted while using your combos (also sableye exists), x attack if you're feeling greedy, or even potion if you want to live (with the full tank build)
early game you want to get to level 7 asap (if u stacking then get them fast), because honedge and doublade have the ability no guard, in which you deal more damage but also take more damage than usual, so good luck not getting bullied lol
aegislash has it's signature ability stance change, in which in blade forme it's fast and deals more damage but it is pretty frail, while in shield forme it becomes tanky but slow
use the wide guard to build up your boosted attacks, stun enemies twice while getting a fat shield and getting several boosted attacks, one for using wide guard, one for knocking back enemies, and one for tanking an attack when using the move. then sacred sword for the damage and knockup, then boosted attacks go shing shing shing shing. this combo can shut down melee enemies so hard and delete squishes
coup de grace deals more damage the lower the enemy hp is so use it to secure objectives and execute opponents on low hp. you also get another boosted attack if you hit it
a good boost emblem loadout for aegislash is 6 brown, 4 white, 2 blue and 2 purple, with the following emblems:
machamp, primeape, marowak, nidoking, nidoqueen, kabutops (or poliwrath), pidgeot (or kangaskhan), fearow, tauros, and gyarados
this dead sword is mad underrated ngl
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user TrainerUltan for sharing this guide on how to play Aegislash. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Aegislash in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Aegislash's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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