Abuse Aurora Veil Alolan Ninetales - Savvy7
Be everyone’s favorite teammate and spam overpowered boosted attacks
Build Path

Icy WindFirst Pick

Wall. AOE damage. (+)Slow.

Aurora Veil
Infinite Boosted Attacks. Movement Speed up. Area defense up. (+)Area defense up.

Snow GlobeUNITE
AOE damage. Freeze damage up.
Stat Boosts
Shield (Upon Unite)
Aurora Veil is pretty good for Alolan Ninetails. It allows her to freeze opponents very quickly and deal more damage. However, Aurora Veil's real strength is not in Ninetail's boosted attack, but in also giving other pokemon infinte boosted Attacks. Imagine a constantly stunning and hp-draining Zeraora, a Garchomp with a permanent ultra damaging basic attack, and Gardevoir reducing Sp. Def over and over again, and I think you will realize Aurora Veil's full potential. So, lets abuse it!
Note that if you are a solo queue player this build probably won't work as well because you have to coordinate Aurora Veil and which pokemon to use. On the other hand, if you already primarily
play solo queue with a supportive role, this won't make much of a difference.
Try to evolve into Alolan Ninetails quickly because Vulpix is weak. Choose Icy wind first because it deals more damage. Once you get Avalanche, use it to stop melee pokemon from pursuing you. Multiple times, I have seen a Talonflame or Crustle gear up to attack me and immediately thrown up a wall, crushing all their hopes and dreams. It's also great for blocking enemy approaches to Drednaw or Zapdos.
Once you get to level six and unlock Aurora Veil, the fun begins. Use it with teammate(s) that have a great boosted attack and your opponents will be decimated. Right here I have a tier list with the best boosted attacks (https://www.pokemonunite.gg/tier-list/1020/best-boosted-attack-tier-list), but for a short summary, Zeraora, Garchomp, Lucario, Gardevoir, and Pikachu work great.
I just can't get over how overpowered this is. I mean, say you're laning with Garchomp. You can freeze opponents within seconds, and they won't be able to kill you before then because of your increased defense; meanwhile, Garchomp has infinite boosted attacks, which basically means he can kill each frozen pokemon in two or three hits. I haven't tested this yet, but you could probably easily win a 2v4 with this setup. If any opponents somehow mange to survive being frozen, you can wall off their escape with Avalanche.
If you find yourself alone in a 1v2 or 1v3 situation, that's the time to use your unite move. Once you Aurora Veil and freeze two or three opponents, use Snow Globe and you probably have a great chance at winning the fight.
Taking down any objective (rotom, drednaw, Zapdos) depends on the current situation of the objective. If you have control, use Aurora Veil to defeat the objective quickly and watch for opposing pokemon trying to sneak up and steal it. If you do see them, wall them off with Avalanche. On the other hand, if the other team has control, then you need to wait either for a teammate if you have time or for the objective to have low health so you can steal.
As for the held items, I chose wise glasses to increase damage, focus band to increase survivablity, and buddy barrier for the hp and shields. All these attributes are really useful in the above scenarios. Full heal is because the only thing that can really stop this build is crowd control, and if you can't be hurt by status effects, they can't stop you.
I wanted to list a couple Pokémon that synergize well with this build besides the ones below. Greedent’s boosted attack drops healing berries, which can be really good for you. Gardevoir lowers the Sp. Df of opponents, allowing you both to devastate the other team. Decidueye can fight multiple opponents with his boosted attack, plus his leaf storm can push opponents away from you so you don’t die. If opponents start running in terror, Venusaur can pull them back so you can really crush them Basically, the supportive/teamwork possibilities are endless and OP.
Works Well With

Boosted Attacks steal hp and stun opponents. If opponents are stunned over and over again, there is nothing they can do before they die. Plus, Zeraora can chase opponents and finish them off easily.
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user Savvy7 for sharing this guide on how to play Alolan Ninetales. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Alolan Ninetales in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Alolan Ninetales's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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