Psycho Auto Attaker Cinderace - Inobi
Quick auto attacker and strong Unite move smiter
Build Path

EmberFirst Pick

Flame Charge
Damage. (+)Next Boosted Attack slows.

Blazing Bicycle KickUNITE
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Attack Damage (Upon Goal)
Cinderace is one of the strongest auto attacker in the initier game and have plenty of options with his spells to adapt in any situation. With this set, his goal is to destroy the opponents with his crazy auto attack damage and speed by staying at the back lain.
First, start farming on your lain to reach the level 9 as soon as possible so then you can smite the Regis if necessary. Being on a lain with a support who’s got the Exp. Share is the best way for Cinderace to carry and do a great early game as a damage dealer.
Flame Charge helps Cinderace to have a minimum of mobility while he doesn’t use the Eject Button on this set, it can be very useful for dodging attacks, moving away from a front lain Pokémon, catching up or reducing the move speed of a target who would try to run away because of the crazy damage taken from the auto attacks.
The good thing with this build, is that you don’t have to worry on scoring all the time simply because you are not wearing any stacking items and you’re taking less risks to get killed and feed the opponents.
Scope Lens is good for Cinderace to surprise tanks with his crit damages and can be very useful in early fight where the Attack Weight need to be stacked at the maximum to make a real difference.
The X-Attack is not only useful for Cinderace to destroy the opposite team, it also helps his team by getting the objectives very quickly before the opponent team try to steal it, which is why it is crucial that Cinderace stays alive during team fights.
Emblem Build:
Emblems colours
Red: 7
Brown: 2
Targets Emblems Stats
Positive Stats: Attack, Crit Rate
Negative Stats: Sp Atk
Emblems Set Suggestion
Ponyta - Rapidash - Houndour - Houndoom - Macargo Entei - Ho-oh - Sandshrew - Sandslash - Kabutops
Emblems Bonus/Malus Stats
HP -100
Attack +8
Defence -5
Sp Atk -12
Crit Rate +1.8
Works Well With

Umbreon helps Cinderace to catch Pokémons with Mean Look so they can’t escape or get any closer to you while you eliminate them with your auto attacks.
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user Inobi for sharing this guide on how to play Cinderace. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Cinderace in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Cinderace's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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