
A healing and shield specialist that attaches to its allies to gain invincibility.
Create Comfey BuildMoves

Basic Attack
Every third attack deals increases damage and awards two Flowers. Boosted Attack damage increases with Sp. Atk.
3rd Attack: Increased damage. +2 Flowers. Boosted Atk Scaling: Sp. Atk. See in-game description
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing damage and giving the user two flowers.

Comfey uses flowers to boost its special moves. It collects up to eight of them by attacking, entering tall grass, and passively over time.
Comfey attaches to its allies to heal and shield them. While attached, Comfey
1) is invincible,
2) regenerates HP,
3) collects excess Aeos Energy its partner can't hold, and
4) will score goals simultaneously with its partner, up to the same amount scored by that partner.
Comfey will also swiftly move toward low-health allies.
Flowers boost special moves. Attaches to allies to heal them.
See in-game description
The Pokemon gains one flower whenever a set amount of time passes.
The Pokemon gains four flowers when it enters tall grass.
The Pokemon can have a maximum of eight flowers.
When the Pokemon uses Synthesis, Floral Healing, or Sweet Kiss, all flowers attached to it are consumed, and the effects of those moves are boosted.
Also, this Pokemon's movement speed increases when near an ally Pokemon at half remaining HP or less.
The Pokemon can attach itself to an ally Pokemon when it uses Synthesis, Floral Healing, or Sweet Kiss. While attached, the Pokemon with this Ability is not affected by attacks, and it gradually recovers HP.
When the ally Pokemon this Pokemon is attached to gains more Aeos energy than the maximum it can hold, this Pokemon takes the excess.
When the ally Pokemon this Pokemon is attached to scores a goal, this Pokemon scores with the same amount of energy.
Level 1 / 3

Attaches to an ally, consuming flowers to heal and shield it.
Attach. Heal ally. Shield ally. Regenerate HP.
See in-game description
When the user is not attached to an ally Pokemon, it attaches itself to the designated ally Pokemon and grants it a shield.
When the user is attached to an ally Pokemon, it restores that ally Pokémon's HP. The more flowers that are consumed, the more HP that is restored.
If the user releases, it will stop being attached and move in the designated direction.

Vine Whip
Whips the area ahead, damaging and slowing opponents.
AOE damage. Slow.
See in-game description
Has the user strike out with whiplike vines in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and decreasing their movement speed for a short time.
Level 4Choose One

Floral Healing
Attaches to an ally, consuming flowers to heal and shield it.
Excess healing increases the shield.
Upgrade: Increases move speed on attach.
Attach. Greater ally healing. Shield ally. Regenerate HP. (+)Swift.
See in-game description
When the user is not attached to an ally Pokemon, it attaches itself to the designated ally Pokemon and grants it a shield.
When the user is attached to an ally Pokemon, it restores that ally Pokémon's HP. The more flowers that are consumed, the more HP that is restored. Any HP restored in excess of the ally Pokémon's maximum is converted into a shield. If the user releases, it will stop being attached and move in the designated direction.
Upgrade: Also increases the movement speed of the ally Pokemon attached to for a short time.

Sweet Kiss
Attaches to an ally, consuming flowers to heal and shield it.
On second (held) activation, charges up an area that infatuates opponents on release.
Upgrade: Increases move speed while charging.
Attach. Heal ally. Shield ally. Regenerate HP. Infatuate. (+)Swift.
See in-game description
When the user is not attached to an ally Pokemon. it attaches itself to the designated ally Pokemon and grants it a shield. When the user is attached to an ally Pokemon, it charges power before making opposing Pokemon in the area of effect infatuated. Infatuated Pokemon approach the user against their will.
The longer power is charged. the larger the area of effect; and the more flowers that are consumed. the longer Pokemon are infatuated. If the user releases, it will stop being attached and move in the designated direction.
Upgrade: Also increases the movement speed of the ally Pokemon attached to while the user is charging.
Level 6Choose One

Magical Leaf
Launches three homing leaf attacks each second. Leaves can detect opponents in tall grass. Six hits on an opponent will stun it. The targeting distance increases while attached.
Upgrade: +1 leaf per second (4 total).
3 homing attacks per second. 6th hit: Stun. (+) Extra homing attack.
See in-game description
Has the user launch three curious, scattering leaves each second for a set amount of time. The leaves target opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and deal damage when they hit. These leaves can even deal damage to opposing Pokemon hiding in tall grass.
If the same opposing Pokemon is damaged six times by these leaves, that Pokemon will be left unable to act.
If this move is used when the user is attached to an ally Pokemon. its area of effect is increased.
Upgrade: Increases the number of leaves launched each second to four.

Grass Knot
Throws vines in a line, stunning opponents. The second opponent hit gets pulled to the first, and they both take extra damage.
Upgrade: Increased range.
Damage. Stun. 2nd hit: Damage. Displacement.
See in-game description
Has the user unleash vines in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and leaving them unable to move.
This move can hit up to two opposing Pokemon. If it hits two opposing Pokemon, it pulls the second to the first's location and deals additional damage to both.
Upgrade: Increases this move's area of effect.
Level 8

Flowery Fields Forever
Creates a patch of tall grass with healing properties. This grass also provides you with boosted flowers.
Creates tall grass. Heal. Boosted flowers.
See in-game description
Has the user create a large area of tall grass around itself. Pokemon in this tall grass cannot be seen, just as with other tall grass on the map.
If ally Pokemon enter this tall grass, they will continually recover HP as long as they're in it.
The user gains special flowers from this tall grass. Consuming these special flowers boosts Floral Healing and Sweet Kiss.