Raid Boss Gooey Goodra - softsymphonies
A damage soak build that can out-sustain even slowbro!
Build Path

Dragon Pulse
Damage. Heal.

Acid Spray
Damage. Slow. Displacement. AOE.

Right as RainUNITE
Heal. Boosted Atk
Stat Boosts
Sp. Def Attack
Goodra is a strange pokemon, due to the way its levelling progression works. However, it is not a pokemon to be underestimated, especially in the late game. I’m not sure how this works in master’s level play, but I guarantee this works in Ultra and below, so long as you win your team fights. This build completely revolves around proper play with your passive, and abusing the sustain from Dragon Pulse. I don’t have enough space for everything, but this should give a glimpse into the build.
To note, this is not an easy pokemon. The amount of knowledge and combos you need is as complex as Aegislash in some regards, having the most complex passive in the game.
To start, Goodra has a strange progression. Its early levels 3-5 are actually incredible, and easily underestimated. Bubble first, then tackle, then release bubble for some great early burst damage. USE THE GOODRA PASSIVE. Retreat when you think your sustain won’t handle the damage or CC (i.e. against Urshifu, A9, or Espeon/Glaceon) While goodra can flexibly move into any lane, it has to start in top, due to the amount of grass, which you absolutely need for sustain. As soon as you get level 3, and try to secure the middle baltoy immediately. Goodra’s early game is still bulky enough to handle most pokemon early game, surprisingly, despite being a late game mon. Early game is great for bullying pokemon, securing wild steals (using timed bubble releases and tackles), and helping your allies stack, since it can tank most level 3s (just watch out for eevees).
Goodra’s weakest levels are not levels 1-5, like most guides will tell you, but rather levels 6-7, where you're the most exposed.
Goodra’s passive is unique and complex, in that it focuses solely on positioning. When facing opponents, always position your backside towards healing, especially towards grass. Note that your passive CAN BE INTERRUPTED, either by attacking with a boosted or leaving the grass, so be careful. When entering grass, wait a second, and then throw out your dragon pulse before spamming your basics. In addition, THIS IS NOT A RANGED pokemon, so don’t be deceived by either dragon pulse nor its boosted attacks. The Gooey passive is most effective at close range, so again, positioning. This is amazing at ganks, so use it to its advantage!
This build has been modified: Rapid-Scarf seems like an odd addition, but it both increases damage and sustain. Due to the Gooey passive and spatk meta, the faster you can inflict boosteds, the better, as it debuffs enemies and increases your own damage. Since Dragon Pulse scales with damage, slick spoon is much better than wise glasses.
Acid Spray is actually better, due to its ability to position and chase, which this build requires. The added damage is also very nice. Power whip is still good though, especially with ganks.
6 white, 6 green, standard spatk tank build. Try to get blues and purples too, the stat boost is essential.
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user softsymphonies for sharing this guide on how to play Goodra. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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