Trainer Name: JordanVE
Favorite Roles:DefenderSupporter
I’m notably a Slowbro main that is looking to explore other options in the way of supporting and defending roles.
Favorite Pokemon
Annoying tank
Wigglytuff | Supporter | Bottom Lane

Deal heavy damage with Dazzling Gleam and assist your team overall
Bulky Team Defender
Snorlax | Defender | Any Lane

Block opponents from objectives and tank hits for your team
The Jester of Unite
Mr. Mime | Supporter | Bottom Lane

Defend your teammates or dish out massive damage and disrupt opponents
Stall Supporter
Slowbro | Defender | Top Lane

An incredible team supporter for defending, getting kills, or stalling
All-purpose Janitor
Venusaur | Attacker | Any Lane

Clean up opponents and objectives while assisting your team
Team Attack Monster
A. Ninetales | Supporter | Any Lane

Great build for making strong offensive pushes with your team
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