Trainer Name: Fischeumel
Rank: Master
Favorite Roles:AttackerSpeedster
Favorite Pokemon
Eldegoss Tanky Support
Eldegoss | Supporter | Bottom Lane

Great for objective fights and very strong support and surviability.
Greninja Jungle
Greninja | Attacker | Jungle

Fast Jungle Clear and an absolute Kill Machine
High Mob. Rapid Spin
Blastoise | All-Rounder | Any Lane

How to use the Speed Buff and Damage of Water Spout + Rapid Spin
Blissey Organized Play
Blissey | Supporter | Any Lane

Is insanely bulky and makes your allies go brrrrr
Want some Eggs?
Blissey | Supporter | Any Lane

Throw eggs at your teammates and slap your opponements in the face.
Ich stech dich ab
Charizard | All-Rounder | Jungle

Linus der Gangster der ab und an seine Gegner flambiert
One Punch Man
Lucario | All-Rounder | Bottom Lane

Insane damage and tanks a lot
Ninetales Support
A. Ninetales | Attacker | Any Lane

Insane CC, Support and Damage
Lightning McPain
Zeraora | Speedster | Jungle

You´re dead before you know who was dashing in
Machine Gun
Cinderace | Attacker | Jungle

Fast Jungle Clear and a LOT of damage
High Mob. Rapid Spin
Blastoise | All-Rounder | Any Lane

How to use the Speed Buff and Damage of Water Spout + Rapid Spin