


A ranged attacker that can burn and slow opponents with its fire and illusions.
Create Chandelure BuildMoves

Basic Attack
After a set amount of time, attack slows and burns opponents.
After Time: Slow. Burn. See in-game description
Becomes a boosted attack whenever a set amount of time passes, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits, decreasing their movement speed, and leaving them burned.

Partially ignores opponent's Sp. Def after dealing damage. Can stack 8 times.
Ignores Sp. Def.
See in-game description
When the Pokemon with this Ability deals damage to opposing Pokemon, its next attack partially ignores the opposing Pokemon's Sp. Def. This effect can stack up to 8 times maximum.
Level 1 / 3

Shoots a flame, damaging, slowing, and burning opponents.
Damage. Slow. Burn.
See in-game description
Has the user shoot out a small flame, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits, decreasing their movement speed, and leaving them burned. For a short time after this move is used, it can be used again.

Night Shade
Creates a mirage, marking opponents in the area. Marked opponents get stunned on-hit.
Damage. Stun.
See in-game description
Makes opposing Pokemon in the area of effect see a frightening mirage, dealing damage to them and marking them. When the user deals damage again to marked opposing Pokemon, those Pokemon are left unable to act for a short time.
Level 5Choose One

Shoots a blast of fire, damaging and burning opponents. At the end, it explodes to reduce cooldown On-Hit.
Upgrade: Explosion increases damage.
Damage. Burn. CDR.
See in-game description
Has the user shoot an intense blast of fire in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and leaving them burned. The end of the blast explodes, dealing increased damage. If the explosion hits an opposing Pokemon, this move's cooldown is reduced.
Upgrade: When the explosion at the end of the blast hits an opposing Pokemon, the user deals increased damage for a short time.

Throws 3 flames, damaging and burning opponents. If used again, shoots an exploding flame that damages and burns opponents while leaving you unable to use basic attacks.
Upgrade: Reduces cooldown.
Damage. Burn.
See in-game description
Has the user throw consecutive flames in an arc into the designated area up to 3 times, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon they hit and leaving them burned. When a flame hits an opposing Pokemon, the user gains one heat energy. If this move is used again, the user shoots out an exploding flame, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits based on the user's amount ot heat energy and leaving them burned. After using the follow-up attack, the user cannot use basic attacks for a short time.
Upgrade: Reduces this move's cooldown.
Level 7Choose One

Creates a mirage of floating furniture that damage and slow opponents.
Upgrade: Strengthens Slow effect.
See in-game description
Has the user create a zone of mysterious power, as well as mirages of floating furniture—such as tables and chairs—inside it. Any opposing Pokemon that comes in contact with a mirage takes damage and has its movement speed decreased. Opposing Pokemon that step on the zone's border will also have their movement speed decreased.
Upgrade: Strengthens the movement speed decrease applied to opposing Pokemon.

Creates a zone that stuns the first opponent caught and other opponents that enter.
Upgrade: Stuns all opponents caught.
See in-game description
Has the user create a zone in front of itself. The first opposing Pokemon caught in it will become unable to move, and all opposing Pokemon in or that enter the zone become imprisoned and cannot use moves.
Upgrade: All opposing Pokemon caught in the zone when it is created will become unable to move.
Level 9

Ignite Midnight
Becomes Invisible and continuously shoots out a beam of fire that deals increased damage on the last blow.
Invisible. Damage.
See in-game description
The user seals the area around itself in darkness and obscures opposing Pokemon's vision for a short time. If this Unite Move is used again, the user continuously fires a beam of fire in a designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits. The beam can be directed while fired, and its final blast deals increased damage.