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 BlueFlames Pyromaniac

BlueFlames Pyromaniac Cinderace - Daia

Updated Dec 30, 2022
Low Sweep
Low Sweep
Blaze Kick
Blaze Kick
Muscle BandScope LensAttack WeightX Speed
Low Sweep
Blaze Kick
Muscle Band
Scope Lens
Attack Weight
X Speed
Add Fav
Attacker Any Lane

Late game dominator - Master Rank in depth guide and emblems

Build Path

<Low Sweep

Low SweepFirst Pick


<Blaze Kick

Blaze Kick

Guaranteed crit. Spellproof. (+)Attack speed up.

<Blazing Bicycle Kick

Blazing Bicycle KickUNITE

AOE damage. Movement Speed up.

Muscle Band

Muscle Band

Basic attacks do more damage the more HP the opponent has.

Scope Lens

Scope Lens

Boosts critical hit damage.

Attack Weight

Attack Weight

Permanently increases Attack upon scoring a goal.

X Speed

X Speed

Temporarily increases your Movement Speed.

Stat Boosts

Muscle Band
Attack Weight
Muscle Band
Crit Chance+4.0%
Scope Lens

Bonus Attack Damage On Hit

Critical Damage

Attack Damage (Upon Goal)


7 red for attack speed
2 orange and any other colours if you have mixed attribute orange emblems

Hey guys, names Daia or Daiaurufu (IGN) and I am a master rank player from NZ. I’ve listed a little guide on what you should be focusing on in game while also listing a few tips here and there to help you improve your gameplay using the held items I listed above. Alright let’s get started.

Take scarf or muscle band (prefer scarf) for held items

You want to focus on ganking top or bottom at level 5 and prioritising scoring if you’re running central lane.

If you’re laning top or bottom then try to score a goal whenever you have a coin in hand. The lower the amount of coins you have the faster you score. A neat little trick to stack up early is whenever there are a bunch of coins on the ground just pick up one at a time and score. Attack weight can stack up to 6 times and will give you 72 attack when fully stacked. You can monitor the number of stacks you have by looking at the bottom of the screen near the centre there should be an icon that looks like the held item. It pairs really well with scope lens as the more attack you have, the more your critical damage output goes up which is extremely important for cinderace as his crit chance gets higher when opposing pokemons health gets lower.

Start of the match take 2 of the wild Pokémon leading up to lane and head straight to their goal zone and score while maneuvering through the bushes. If while you’re there you can last hit or steal wild Pokémon near the enemy goal zone, do it and score as often as you can. Do not worry about dying as when you approach late game you would have an overwhelming advantage due to the stacked items.

Once you have 6 stacks just focus on leveling and assisting your team when you can while playing in the backline. If you end up slamming your lane just make sure you’re stealing wild Pokémon from that side of their jungle as it will hinder their central laner from levelling and having any impact on you or your team mates for the rest of the game while providing you with buffs and extra exp.

Last little bit of advice which I’m sure a lot of you already know, just try and hit level 13 before the 2 min mark. Having both your abilities upgraded makes a big difference for the end game fight so keep tabs on your mini map and farm all the wild Pokémon you can.

Best buff on Cinderace: Red

Note: you should pick abilities that match up well against the enemy team. Fireball and flame charge are really good damage and chase abilities for Pokémon matchups that don’t have gap closers. The abilities I headlined are more suited to safer gameplay styles.

For example: I would take blaze kick and feint against Pokémon like Absol and Gengar. The feint could improve my survivability rate against their heavy burst and the blaze kick could create distance whenever they get too close.

Thanks for reading my guide guys and good luck with the rank grind! 👌🏽

Works Well With


Her buffs and heals improve damage output and survivability


A good Blastoise will keep them off you with his crowd control abilities


One of my favourites. Snorlax is one of those kek Pokémon who excels at hindering enemy Pokémon from leveling early as he has high damage output on his tackle that is great for stealing their sides wild Pokémon. His shield is also amazing at keeping enemies off you or objectives and pushing them out of high priority areas.

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Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user Daia for sharing this guide on how to play Cinderace. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.

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