the hoopla is real Hoopa - TrainerUltan
hoopa's meta is back!
Build Path

AstonishFirst Pick
AOE Damage.

Phantom Force
Teleport. AOE Damage. (+) Invincible

Hyperspace Hole
Teleport. (+) Increase movement speed.

Rings UnboundUNITE
Transform. Create a teleport ring. Cannot score.
Exp. Share
Passively gain EXP every second while you have the lowest level on your team. However, you forfeit any EXP you'd normally gain when assisting teammates against wild Pokemon.
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Bonus Passive Experience
hoopa on release was a dominating force in competitive unite and a decent pick in solo queue, with hyperspace hole and rings unbound flipping the meta on it's head
but with the changes to base healing on theia sky ruins and objectives not being crazy op anymore, hoopa has become one of the worst supports for a long time
fortunately it got several buffs to its moves a few patches ago, phantom force got reworked and hyperspace hole and its unite move got cooldown reductions, this onion ring feels amazing rn even in solo queue
this build is pretty simple, focus band for living, exp share for supporting your lane partner, and muscle band for more basic attack damage early game and in hoopa's unbound forme
focus band can be replaced with choice specs and/or wise glasses for full damage, shell bell for cooldowns, or buddy barrier and/or energy amplifier to become a raid boss when ulting
x speed is probably your best bet, eject button works fine too (maybe x attack for even more damage?)
hoopa's ability magician allows it to steal sitrus berries from the opposing team, so use it after the 9:30 mark to not only heal, but to deny healing to enemies
you can also steal salac berries (there are 4 that spawn on theia and they don't despawn like the ones on remoat), oran berries (if there is a greedent), and aeos energy (if you don't retrieve anything magician's cooldown is reduced)
try to pull and secure much farm in the top/bottom path and the 8:00 farm in the central area by using astonish and confusion, or astonish enemies to prevent steals and to chase or get away
use hyperspace hole not only to heal allies, but to secure farm, rotating allies to bottom regi, and rotating yourself to help other lanes
in case of escaping from enemies with a portal, don't stand on the portal waiting for it, keep on running past your portal and right before the timer ends run right back to the portal with phantom force or eject button/x speed
rings unbound is a great tool for bringing allies to team pushes and objectives, you also turn into this dimension bending monster and have two powerful moves, hyperspace fury and psybeam
use hyperspace fury to stun enemies in place and psybeam to finish them, the latter move makes you unstoppable when using it
don't use your unite move when one of your allies is respawing, try to use it when everyone is at high hp so that they don't get knocked out when they teleport
a good boost emblem loadout for hoopa is 6 green, 7 black, and 2 purple
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user TrainerUltan for sharing this guide on how to play Hoopa. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Hoopa in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Hoopa's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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