Immense Lane Pressure Duraludon - Speculyn
Enemies get heavily pressured at the start of the game.
Build Path

Metal ClawFirst Pick

Dragon Tail
Displacement. Move backwards. Boosted Attack. (+) Deals more damage.
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Critical Damage
Attack Damage (Upon Goal)
The best emblems for this setup are brown with either white, black, or red (this is a rare case where red is actually good). You also want crit chance on your browns despite the nerf, so try using emblems such as Sandslash or Kabutops.
During the game, you want to try and take as much contested experience as possible and push the enemies to their goal. Duraludon does a ton of damage so your enemies will want to fall back a lot. Take advantage of that and take as much of their side's experience as possible. Once you've got Flash Cannon, it's time to try and score. Don't be afraid to go in for kills but beware of any junglers that may appear. DON'T DO THIS ALONE.
Midgame and Endgame are less about total offensive pressure and more about area denial for your teammates to take advantage of. People will almost always try to escape your Flash Cannon, so Pokemon such as Decidueye or Espeon benefit well from fighting alongside you. You also benefit from fighting alongside Pokemon that can take out junglers such as Trev since Duraludon as well as your offensive partners are all weak to most of them.
Beware of list:
Works Well With

While Flash Cannon is powerful, your opponents know that and won't want you to land your attacks, meaning that they'll try to walk right out of it's AoE. Decidueye can prevent that from happening by slowing with both Spirit Shackle and Shadow Sneak as well as sniping already escaped enemies. You can even work together to shred objectives while keeping your opponent's at bay. This is essentially the same with Espeon but instead of slow, it's stun.

Trevenant is able to handle most if not all of Duraludon's major threats such as Absol, Zeraora, Gengar, and (possibly) Dodrio. Majority of these Pokemon are junglers that can easily overpower you, so having someone on your side to counteract almost everything they stand for is very valuable.

Although this suggestion says Blissey, I would actually like to address the whole Supporter crew (except Wiggly, sorry Wiggly mains) as they are all really good for keeping Duraludon in fights as long as possible. Blissey, first off, excels at keeping Duraludon healthy and allows it to keep applying pressure. Eldegoss is great for healing and increasing Duraludon's mobility so that way it can escape most common threats. Hoopa is an awesome partner that can help Duraludon escape tricky situations with either Hyperspace Hole OR Trick. Overall, supporters are always great for any team but especially great for Duraludon.
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user Speculyn for sharing this guide on how to play Duraludon. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Duraludon in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Duraludon's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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