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Mosquito de la Noche

Mosquito de la Noche Buzzwole - Hugo258

Updated Sep 21, 2022
Mega Punch
Mega Punch
Leech Life
Leech Life
Attack WeightMuscle BandFocus BandX Attack
Mega Punch
Leech Life
Attack Weight
Muscle Band
Focus Band
X Attack
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All-Rounder Any Lane

drena la vida del rival y presionalo para ser una ULTRA amenaza

Build Path

<Mega Punch

Mega PunchFirst Pick

AOE damage. Muscle Gauge increases by 1 for each hit.

<Leech Life

Leech Life

Consumes all Muscle Gauge. Damage. HP Vamp.



AOE damage. Enfeeble. Haste. Muscle Gauge increases by 1 for each hit.

<Ultra Swole Slam

Ultra Swole SlamUNITE

AOE damage. Then: Targets lowest HP among hit.

Attack Weight

Attack Weight

Permanently increases Attack upon scoring a goal.

Muscle Band

Muscle Band

Basic attacks do more damage the more HP the opponent has.

Focus Band

Focus Band

When HP is low, gradually recovers HP.

X Attack

X Attack

Temporarily increases your Attack, Sp. Attack, and Basic Attack Speed.

Stat Boosts

Attack Weight
Muscle Band
Muscle Band
Focus Band

Bonus Attack Damage On Hit

Attack Damage (Upon Goal)


Solo ataca a los oponentes que esten solos o separados para drenar la vida ya acabarlos sin que ellos no puedan hacer nada en unos momentos y MUCHO ojo que solo ataca a los que esten separados de un grupo a menos que te aplaudan como un mosquito y añadiendo y si algunos de tus oponentes tiene un momiviento que te deja en el aire o te incapacita o te congela esos seran tus Counters ya que interrumpira el ataque de chupavidas.
PD: si hay pokes agiles o tyranitar y mr mime en el bando rival llevate antiareo pero si no estan puedes llevarte plancha.

Works Well With


Los ataques continuos de cinderace y su alto ataque y que puede quemar al rival es un apoyo util ademas de ayudarlo de que no se debilite.


Sus ataques teleridijidos a los enemigos causando el suficiente daño para rematar
o que el/ella lo remate de lejos


Su giro fuego es util y versatil incapacitando y tener via libre de acabar al enemigo o escapar en un momento dado

Reported Icon This build was created in the game version of It may contain inaccuracies in the data that is used compared to the current version of

Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user Hugo258 for sharing this guide on how to play Buzzwole. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.

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