Moskevil Buzzwole - PyroBoo
An absolute powerhouse, able to dismantle teams or protect goals!
Build Path

Mega PunchFirst Pick
AOE damage. Muscle Gauge increases by 1 for each hit.

Consumes all Muscle Gauge. AOE damage.

AOE damage. Enfeeble. Haste. Muscle Gauge increases by 1 for each hit.

Ultra Swole SlamUNITE
AOE damage. Then: Targets lowest HP among hit.
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Attack Damage (Upon Goal)
The latest Pokémon to join the fight in the Aeos Isles, Buzzwole is a very powerful all-rounder, able to dish out ludicrous damage and smack opponents around like flies (HAH, GET IT?...Buzz's not even a fly, it's a mosquito...). With all this power, tho, comes great suffering and tears. Buzzwole has, at its core, two main problems: Sustainability, even with Lunge or Leech Life, and range. How do we deal with these problems? Well, getting an early lead is important. Farm jungle as fast as possible, then jump into the fray, trying to take down as many opponents as possible with your teammates. Watch out for Cramorant, Glaceon and especially Talonflame or Aegislash, because those will wreck you!
--Move Choice--
Mega Punch: While not dealing as much damage as Fell Stinger, it's quite useful to reach Lillipup quickly during the first phases of the match.
Superpower: Superpower allows for unprecedented damage and displacement. Use this to secure kills alongside Smack Down or Lunge, or to pull enemies into your teammates for a quick assassination. Do watch out for this move's range, because it's shorter than you may think. I really like the sustain Leech Life gives you, but to be honest, it's a flawed move. The second you stop dealing damage (which, mind you, is a lot, but not THAT much), you're probably going to lose the health you regenerated back immediately from your opponent's attacks. And that is, if you manage to connect the move AND not get crowd-controlled or stunned, or if your opponent doesn't have Eject Button to escape your clutches (Seriously, what's wrong with this move?!).
Lunge/Smack Down: Lunge provides AoE damage, an attack debuff on your opponents and a buff to your attack when upgraded. Smack Down offers higher damage, crowd-control, more Muscle Gauge and a way to get close to your enemies. Choose whichever one suits your playstyle more!
--Item Choice--
Attack Weight: Yeah, we're playing stacking. Get Superpower in jungle, destroy the enemies' weakest lane, or the lane that's struggling the most, and then start scoring. Attack Weight allows you to deal incredible damage, making you even more effective.
Muscle Band: Muscle Band can help with clearing jungle, as well as empowering your auto-attacks.
Weakness Policy: This item complements Buzzwole's playstyle very well. As a brawler, it is used to having to fight foes face-to-face and, with all the hits you'll be taking, Weakness Policy will improve your damage output significantly. You can also interchange this item with any of Razor Claw or Scope Lens for higher damage (coupled with a crit-focused emblem build), or Aeos Cookie for more survivability.
X Speed: While you could opt for one of Potion or X Attack for more sustain or damage respectively, X Speed allows you to counteract one of Buzzwole's flaws, which is his movement speed. Use it to zip through jungle, catch fleeing opponents, or get to objectives faster.
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user PyroBoo for sharing this guide on how to play Buzzwole. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Buzzwole in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Buzzwole's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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