Spin 2 Win Delphox - CuppaG
Ultimate CC, the unending carousel of flames!
Build Path

EmberFirst Pick
Stat Boosts
Unite Move Damage Increase
Let's get the boring stuff out the way now. Muscle Band is useless. Delphox's auto attacks are some of the weakest in the game, weak enough that any life steal mon will heal through it. Use auto attacks only when everything is on CD, which won't be very often.
If laining, hold onto Ember until the target is low HP (Around 1/4 - 1/3 for the Aipoms) and use it mostly for secures.
Avoid major team fights and skirmishes, the only real damage you can deal right now is with Ember and Will-O-Wisp. As stated above, your autos are laughably bad. You can finish off a low HP fleer with it, but not much else.
Your goal is to get to Lv6 as soon as possible, then take Mystical Fire. Its upfront damage is higher than Fire Blast, but its overall damage is lower as Fire Blast hits twice. The reason for taking Mystical Fire is for its upgraded version, Mystical Fire+ which reduces the cooldown of all your moves if you land a hit. On a Wild pokemon, you'll reduce your cooldowns by 1s, but on enemies you'll reduce it by 1.5.
Your next goal is to hit 7, which shouldn't be too hard.
For a start, Fire Spin can be used for more than just CC. It automatically tracks and locks onto a target, even if they're hidden from view. If you suspect an enemy may be hiding in a bush, place Fire Spin near it.
At this point, your main role is the harasser. Drop Fire Spins in team fights, try to skill shot low HP players with Mystical Fire and be a general nuisance. You won't be getting many kills here unless the enemy is just that bad, but you'll rack up quite a few assists thanks to the CC Fire Spin provides the rest of your team.
Due to the homing nature of Fire Spin, try to stay as far as physically possible from the main fight, as you're made of literal soggy paper.
Once you hit Lv9, continue to play the zone-game, and throw in an Unite Move in the middle of a team fight. People underestimate the slow provided from the Unite move, not to mention the passive damage and healing reduction can really swing a fight in your teams favour.
Don't be afraid to drop your Unite moves, Delphox has the fastest charging unite at 84s (Faster than Pikachu's 89s). If survivability is a worry, swap Energy Amp or Wise Glasses for Buddy Barrier.
Your goal, other than harassing and zoning, is to hit Lv11. Because this is where you evolve from a Zoner to the CAROUSEL OF DOOM!
Once you get Mystical Fire+, you become a major threat. Start all engagements with a Fire Spin, then try to skill shot a Mystical Fire. At this point in the game, you'll get off 2 Mystical Fires before Fire Spin comes off cooldown.
Mystical Fire actually reduces its own CD if you land a hit with it, turning you from a semi-automatic into a Flaming Minigun.
Last but not least, Fire Spin+.
What does it do? It increases the damage of people who are stunned in your Fire Spin. Your passive cooldown reduction as a caster, combined with Mystical Fire's cooldown reduction and Fire Spin's increased damage turn you into a late game power house. At this point in the game, you should rarely, if ever, be using autos. Everything comes off CD so quickly, targets will be left spinning around in a whirlpool of flames as you pelt them with miniature explosions.
If you can hit Lv15 before the Zap fight, may Arceus have mercy on the enemy's souls.
Drawbacks. Cons. Weaknesses. These are things that exist, and for Delphox that is no different.
You have no mobility with this build, hence the need for Eject Button. You can swap it out for X-Speed, but sometimes the ability to jump a wall can be the difference between a dead Fox and a living Fox.
If an assassin-type character manages to catch you out, you're going to die. The best you can do is drop a fire spin and try to escape as they spin around. Do NOT attempt to shoot a Mystical Fire at them, you're unable to move while casting and you'll lose whatever distance Fire Spin gave you.
Tanks are also hard to deal with, as Delphox struggles to do consistent burst damage. The best you can hope for is someone else on your team is distracting them so you can help with CC.
A lack of execute damage also means Delphox may have trouble finishing off a target if you miss Mystical Fire. In these situations, its best to accept the miss and back off from the fight. While Mystical Fire might have a low cooldown, you don't know what lies in the bushes - Don't get baited in the hopes of a second attempt at finishing off a low HP target.
This guide is meant to be used for any lane, including the Jungle, but Delphox can struggle to reach its power spikes in the lane. Try to play passive until you've at least become a Delphox (Lv7), even if this means letting the enemy score.
Remember, even if you attempt to stop them you're likely going to die due to how frail the Fox is. So all you'd be doing is giving them more EXP and Points to score by trying to stop them.
Try to snipe any low HP bees you can with Ember, or Will-O-Wisp if multiple bees are low HP.
As stated earlier in the guide, try to keep your distance. Fire Spin will lock on and chase targets down, so even if you can't reach someone with a max range Fire Spin, the Spin itself will begin to chase them. Use that to your advantage to drop Fire Spins in team fights you can't risk getting near.
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user CuppaG for sharing this guide on how to play Delphox. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Delphox in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Delphox's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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