Schrödingers sword Aegislash - LucarioFighter2647220
Is he gonna tank? Is he gonna shred you down? Come in and find out!
Build Path

Sacred Sword
AOE Damage. Displacement. Increase boost count. (+) Damage done by zone increases Attack.

Wide Guard
Shield. Displacement. Increase boost count. (+) Reduce this move's cooldown.

Coup de GraceUNITE
AOE Damage. More damage against low HP opponents. Increase boost count on knockout.
Razor Claw
After using a move, the Pokémon's next basic attack deals more damage. If held by a melee Pokémon, the basic attack also slows opposing Pokémon.
Stat Boosts
Shield (Upon Unite)
Held Items:
Buddy Barrier and Focus Band offset your overall squishiness.
Razor Claw provides a nice slow effect to chase down your enemies and a tiny increase in attack speed.
Battle Item:
Eject Button works as an engage/disengage tool. If you feel confident it can be swapped out for X-Attack to absolutely decimate your enemies with boosted basic attacks.
Take Shadow Sneak as your first move to surprise and finish off weak opponents.
Sacred Sword can give you as many boosted attack charges as many pokémon you've hit with a triangle. It can get you up to two boosted attack charges on wild pokémons and up to four (maximum capacity) on opponent pokémons.
Wide Guard can give you up to four (!) charges if you utilise it correctly (unlike Iron Head). Also it makes you invulnerable to CC while you're at it.
Coup de Grace can be used to either finish off opponents or steal objectives.
This is more of the "keep 'em guessing" type of build. Do not go overly aggressive in the early game if you're not sure whether you're able to win a teamfight. You should be extremely cautious during mid game when everyone is reaching their power spikes and you can be KO'd easily due to your passive ability increasing the damage taken. Be sure to attend many teamfights as you can MELT through enemy tanks with your boosted attacks. During late game you can milk the boosted autos from attackers that usually have their attack button welded shut in the "active" position. I recommend you move in shield forme to tank serious damage and then retaliate with Sacred Sword. Again, Coup de Grace can be used as either a finisher or a steal.
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user LucarioFighter2647220 for sharing this guide on how to play Aegislash. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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