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Ribbon Banshee

Ribbon Banshee Sylveon - EDog950

Updated Mar 21, 2022
Hyper Voice
Hyper Voice
Calm Mind
Calm Mind
Wise GlassesChoice SpecsSp. Atk. SpecsSlow Smoke
Hyper Voice
Calm Mind
Wise Glasses
Choice Specs
Sp. Atk. Specs
Slow Smoke
Add Fav
Attacker Any Lane

I am existing, therefore I SCREAM!

Build Path


SwiftFirst Pick


<Hyper Voice

Hyper Voice

Increased damage at a range and with consecutive hits. (+) Shoot one additional wave.

<Calm Mind

Calm Mind

Increase Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Movement Speed. (+) Blocks one move. Shield.

<Fairy Frolic

Fairy FrolicUNITE

Invincible. AOE Damage. Heal. HP Vamp.

Wise Glasses

Wise Glasses

Increases the damage of special attacks.

Choice Specs

Choice Specs

Increases the damage of moves. More Sp. Atk results in more damage.

Sp. Atk. Specs

Sp. Atk. Specs

Permanently increases Sp. Attack upon scoring a goal.

Slow Smoke

Slow Smoke

Slows the Movement Speed and basic attack speed of nearby opponents.

Stat Boosts

Sp. AD+85
Wise Glasses
Choice Specs
Sp. Atk. Specs
Sp. AD %+7%
Wise Glasses

Sp. Attack (Upon Goal)


Sylveon, A cute and adorable eeveelution, but can be your worst nightmare. This build is based on offense as Sylveon relies on its moves more than its basic attacks. If you run Jungle with this build, i can not fully garuntee that it will work as you rely on score stacks to fully boost yourself. However in Lanes, you want to get the least amount of points possible, and score quickly, stacking up like a solo top Lucario does. Only problem is no scoreshield. If you're working with a team, try to knock out the enemy first before trying to get any stacks, and us the smoke to get away. Smoke can be swapped with X-Attack to really dish out damage. When you're about to unite, use Calm Mind first, since it does boost your stats, allowing your Unite move to do more damage and also greatly increasing your speed. Remember, Sylveon already has Spell Vamp when she hits level 7, so she will be able to heal while using her moves. Play this right, keep your distance, and you will be able to do some victory screeching.

Works Well With


It may seem odd, but Venu works well with Sylveon. Reason for this is Venu's boosted attack brings everyone hit to the very front of it and stunning them. This would give a Sylveon a clear Hyper Voice shot to any and all who are unfortunate to get caught against these two


Blissey, or Eldegoss, would be viable with this build to give you a shield when scoring, allowing you to be able to get your stacks with ease


Blastoise or Slowbro works well with this build, these two being able to push back enemies, or old them in place so you can either score, or deal damage to them.

Reported Icon This build was created in the game version of It may contain inaccuracies in the data that is used compared to the current version of

Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user EDog950 for sharing this guide on how to play Sylveon. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.

There are indeed many ways to play Sylveon in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Sylveon's moves and the items you can assign to it.

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