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Frozen Tide Turner

Frozen Tide Turner Alolan Ninetales - EDog950

Updated Mar 21, 2022
Powder Snow
Powder Snow
Aurora Veil
Aurora Veil
Wise GlassesChoice SpecsMuscle BandX Attack
Powder Snow
Aurora Veil
Wise Glasses
Choice Specs
Muscle Band
X Attack
Add Fav
Attacker Any Lane

Keep a distance and hit hard

Build Path

<Powder Snow

Powder SnowFirst Pick

Damage. Slow.



Wall. AOE damage. (+)Slow.

<Aurora Veil

Aurora Veil

Infinite Boosted Attacks. Movement Speed up. Area defense up. (+)Area defense up.

<Snow Globe

Snow GlobeUNITE

AOE damage. Freeze damage up.

Wise Glasses

Wise Glasses

Increases the damage of special attacks.

Choice Specs

Choice Specs

Increases the damage of moves. More Sp. Atk results in more damage.

Muscle Band

Muscle Band

Basic attacks do more damage the more HP the opponent has.

X Attack

X Attack

Temporarily increases your Attack, Sp. Attack, and Basic Attack Speed.

Stat Boosts

Muscle Band
Muscle Band
Sp. AD+69
Wise Glasses
Choice Specs
Sp. AD %+7%
Wise Glasses

Bonus Attack Damage On Hit


For this build, its all offense and keeping your distance as much as possible. Mostly used for top lane, but is viable for all areas. Trying to push forward at level 3 is good, but do so with caution, however at level 6, you hit your first peak to push back the enemy. Your Avalanch is used in a few different ways. One use it as offense if an enemy is trying to get away at low HP to knock them out. A second use is to prevent a single enemy from getting away, and the third use is for disengaging a chase on you or your teammates. Mix your Aurora veil with X Attack to set up an area of offense or defense. Is you use your AV, X Attack and your Unite move at the same time, you can win most fights. and if you time X Attack with your Unite move, you can get a Zap steal. This build is unorthidox, but i prefer it due to wanting to keep my distance from the enemy and not wanting to get caught by them.

Works Well With


Blissey works well with this if they use Helping Hand, adding more to your Attack Speed while in Aurora Veil


This beefy boy is perfect with A9 no matter what build you run, the frozen duo


In this build, you dont have much in the line of sustainability as its focused on offense. Your only source of healing is you AV, however having Eldegoss will be able to help keep you in the battle longer

Reported Icon This build was created in the game version of It may contain inaccuracies in the data that is used compared to the current version of

Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user EDog950 for sharing this guide on how to play Alolan Ninetales. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.

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