Mixed Offense/Support Hoopa - BaryTheXinophane
A mixed attacker that can be used by any offensive move you choose.
Build Path

Phantom Force
Teleport. AOE Damage. (+) Invincible

Increase Movement Speed. Shield. Duplicate damage. (+) Heal.

Rings UnboundUNITE
Transform. Create a teleport ring. Cannot score.
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Shield (Upon Unite)
The reason I chose muscle band and glasses is because this is a mixed attacker set. You can run any special or physical attack on this so long as you serve your role as well. When we get our Unite move out,this is where your 2 mixed attacker items come into play. Muscle band for Hyperspace Fury,Glasses for Psybeam. The reason I chose Phantom Force and Trick is so you can dodge attacks and give yourself that extra life with Trick due to forcefield,being able to help your teammates more (this build relies on teammates so just call them up whenever you lost your current ones) and take the game. I recommend you save your Unite move for when your against the entire team fighting for Zapdos,that way,you destroy everybody and take the Zapdos (do be careful for Gengar) so you win the game. Slow Smoke is very self explanatory. Say an opponent is plotting to get away or you're in danger,just use Slow Smoke for a certified kill check,or get away using it. Shadow Ball is where your W.Glasses kick in,and you can start killin your insignificant threats like nothing,especially with the extra damage buff,you can also take out some of your big threats,30% your biggest. I recommend Phantom Force,due to what I said about it. It also feels a bit better.
Checks and Counters:
Eldegoss: Easily countered if you get rid of the teammates on their side.
Garchomp: Very powerful threat,but with Phantom Force you can check it off the list,be wary of Livid Outrage though.
Dragonite: If it doesn't have Hyper Beam,it's gone. Period. (Unless it has teammates,now it serves a worthy threat.)
Zeraora: This thing very easily will target Hoopa and take it out,due to Wild Charge.
Lucario: Extreme threat,kills Hoopa without a doubt,just avoid its range and help your teammates against it.
Snorlax: Easy target for Hoopa,and just ends it with relative ease due to Phantom Force.
Gengar: The biggest threat on this list. Bigger than Lucario's threat level. He can Hexkill you easily,sludge bomb you for extra damage,spam the Hex and you have no chance,it also steals Zap with its Unite. Best thing you can do is tell your teammates to help you wall it off,otherwise? Death. Avoid it unless unnecessary.
Other stuff:
I chose Confusion so I could attack and easily get the kill confirms with the afterward explosion. This works best with top lane first; then go down for dred (optional).
Always be with your teammates for support,if your current teammates has fainted,call in new ones to pummel em while you do the supportive work.
Shadow Ball is also optional,like I said,this is a mixed attacker so you can run either physical or special.
Full Heal is a great option too.
A mistake I made when trying to assassinate my biggest threats is me without teammates. Always call in your teammates for the biggest threat.
Always destroy the leader.
Works Well With

Extra support. Say,you kill dred and you have Eldegoss rollin with you,with Cotton Guard and Trick,you now have a triple shield. Keep this thing alive at all costs.
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user BaryTheXinophane for sharing this guide on how to play Hoopa. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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