My Cinderace Build Cinderace - Mason
Just the Cinderace build I use if people ask.
Build Path

Low SweepFirst Pick

Flame Charge
Damage. (+)Next Boosted Attack slows.

Blazing Bicycle KickUNITE
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Critical Damage
Shield (Upon Unite)
If you don't get jungle and have to lane, go top lane, and let your stronger early-game laners go bottom, so that your team is better set up for Drednaw. Scorbunny is one of the weakest laners in the game, and top lane is generally less important (still important), so that's why you should go there if you're forced into lane.
I pick Low Sweep first, since it stores a boosted attack while doubling as mobility, can hit multiple Aipoms at once if I'm laning, and gets me over the center fence faster, so I don't confuse solo queue teammates into thinking I'm trying to tri-lane (since this game just be putting anyone on my teams, and people think you're laning with them if you move in the same direction as them for even a microsecond).
Pyro Ball is insanely low cooldown, does tons of damage, has great range, and can cleave multiple enemies, which is broken, so there's almost no reason not to pick it now. Blaze Kick forces you into committal scenarios with where it positions you, deals less damage, has a longer cooldown, and is only single target. It does increase your attack speed from levels 11-15, but I just feel like Pyro Ball offers far more value overall.
Flame Charge is good mobility with insanely low cooldown, and Pyro Ball lowers that cooldown even more.
Since you store boosted attacks after using moves, due to how Cinderace's version of Blaze works, you rarely/almost never want to use two moves back-to-back; instead, you want to almost always use a boosted attack between every move you do.
-Low Sweep (store boosted attack before a fight) -> Boosted Attack -> Ember -> Boosted Attack -> Low Sweep -> Boosted Attack for your early game DPS burst combo.
-Flame Charge (store boosted attack before a fight) -> Boosted Attack -> Pyro Ball -> Boosted Attack -> Flame Charge -> Boosted Attack -> Unite Move (mid and late game)
Just two example combos you can do for lots of burst damage. You don't have to strictly follow this; different situations and needs call for different combos. As long as you at least try to get full use out of your boosted attacks from your passive, you'll be fine.
Seriously, don't waste your boosted attacks, otherwise you're wasting your own character's passive ability and their potential.
The one exception to this is pre-aiming Pyro Ball at enemies, even when you have a boosted attack already stored, so that you're more likely to be accurate with it.
Muscle Band and Scope Lens supplement your damage the most, especially since you have 36% crit (factoring in Scope Lens) at levels 9-15, and Buddy Barrier gives you a large chunk of health to help your survivability, helps you avoid getting Unite Moves canceled, allows you to leverage your increased attack speed after your Unite Move with its shields, and allows you to be more helpful in team fights.
Eject Button is just the tried and true classic item that gets you out of dangerous scenarios, and helps you reposition in case you get caught out of positon.
X Attack is still incredibly good, given that your general kit, especially Pyro Ball, scale really well off attack. You can use that if your goal is burst damage above everything, and popping it before your Unite Move makes it basically a bootleg Energy Amplifier. Which is a good thing. It also makes objective sniping easier.
You can pick Feint if you'd like. I just don't think it competes with 5 second mobility, and it was nerfed way too much in Unite's earliest patches to justify its long cooldown. Seriously, in the time you're using one Feint, you could use two Flame Charges and still have it be close to going off cooldown a third time, so like... yikes.
You can swap out Buddy Barrier with Razor Claw for more damage, or Focus Band to be a crutch in more scenarios throughout the game without relying as much on your Unite Move. Up to you, really.
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user Mason for sharing this guide on how to play Cinderace. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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