Laning Garchomp Garchomp - Savvy7
Make Gible Great Again – give Garchomp a good early game.
Build Path

Sand AttackFirst Pick
Inflict nearsight. Then: Movement Speed up, attack speed up.

Untargetable. AOE damage. (+)Defense up.

Dragon Claw
Damage. Displacement. Then: Attack boost. Attack speed up. (+)Damage.

Livid OutrageUNITE
Damage. Displacement. Self-stun.
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Reflect Damage (Max HP%)
Most Garchomp Builds see Gible as hopeless and focus on hiding until he level up to Gabite. But with this build, your early game will no longer suck, and if your early game doesn't suck, your later game advantage will actually be useful. If you want to keep being defeated by aggressive early game bottom laners and want to turn the tables on them instead of join them, this is the build for you
The very first thing you should do, if you haven't yet, is turn on boosted attack visibility in settings. This puts a bar over your head that lets you know when your attack is boosted, and it's essential for this build and at the least very good for every other pokemon.
Take sand attack first because it allows you to focus on your boosted attacks. Once you get to Audino at bottom, go attack the middle one (hopefully you're teammate follows, and take it. Don't try to steal xp, just focus on center wild pokemon and your own xp.
Most pokemon think that they can bully you and keep you down. But they almost always try to attack you in one of two scenarios, and this is a mistake. (Note that most first evolutions are actually weaker than you, so you can win a 1v1 with them in any situation). They might try to attack you when you are farming wild pokemon. As long as you have a boosted attack – which you should after farming – they'll die before you. In this situation, Focus Band will help you heal, and the combination of your Rough Skin and Rocky Helmet will stop their Focus Band from doing anything and make them die faster.
On the other hand, they might try to kill you when you are on your goal or running out in the open. If they are a fully evolved pokemon, you should call for backup and do the best you can to survive. Eject button is best here. If they can't inflict massive burst damage on you and you have an ok teammate, you should be able to finish them off without them escaping. This applies to two opponents as well, although you have to be extra observant to make sure you can retreat quickly and don't take too much damage.
After they die, try to get your teammate to follow you and score on the other goal. You two together likely can finish off the remaining person. Obviously don't do this if you only have a sliver of health left, but more than half, go ahead.
If you can evolve into Gabite before the first Drednaw, you're doing great. As Gabite, employ a similar strategy in trying to get to your boosted attack quickly and then finishing opponents off, but you can play more aggressively and worry less about surviving. Dig is a very versatile move. It's great for approaching and escaping, and if you see that an opponent is about to use a powerful move, Dig can avoid it.
Dragon Claw, on the other hand, basically is just good for disabling an opponent during a fight, dealing more damage more quickly, and getting up to a boosted attack quickly.
Dragon Rush is also very good, but I like Dig better because it's more versatile. Dragon Rush isn't as good at approaching or dodging as dig is, although the combo with Dragon Claw can be brutal, and the cool down is shorter. Earthquake, on the other hand, is not as good. If you find your self in the middle of a lot of team fights, pick it, but for all other situations, Dragon Claw is better.
As a Gabite or Garchomp, you can take down most objectives, even Zapdos, completely alone and fast. Just make sure no enemy pokemon is close, and you have it.
Once you get to Garchomp, your true power will emerge. You can win a 1v2 with most pokemon using the same strategy as Gabite. Using your unite move, you can win a 1v3 or, with luck, even a 1v4. Crush all the opponents in the end game pushes and take zapdos easily and quickly. You do have to watch out for pokemon who can tank all the damage, escape, or use crowd control, but carefully timed uses of dig to cc and taking a friend along will make you truly invincible.
To finish up, Buddy Barrier is really useful on almost all pokemon, but since Garchomp doesn't really need shields, I decided not to use it. However, if you want it, or think Energy Amplifier or Assault Vest for defense or Weakness Policy or Score Shield or anything else is better for you, switch it out for Rocky Helmet. A lot of people also choose Razor Claw instead of Muscle Band, but I did not choose it because generally I don't alternate between moves and basic attacks and I wanted to be more defensive.
Works Well With

Ninetails deals good damage and can freeze the opponents, giving Gible a chance to attack them. Ninetail's Aurora Veil also boosts Garchomp's attack instantly, and gives him extra defense, which is very, very powerful.
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user Savvy7 for sharing this guide on how to play Garchomp. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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