King of the Jungle Garchomp - crustleenjoyer
Blitz the opponents with unholy damage.
Build Path

Sand AttackFirst Pick
Inflict nearsight. Then: Movement Speed up, attack speed up.

Dragon Rush
Displacement. (+)Slow.

Dragon Claw
Damage. Displacement. Then: Attack boost. Attack speed up. (+)Damage.

Livid OutrageUNITE
Damage. Displacement. Self-stun.
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Critical Damage
Attack Damage (Upon Goal)
Garchomp is already very bulky, so why not capitalize on his offense? Jungling with Garchomp is one of the best ways to play him, what with his high EXP demand. This build uses the best of the Dragon path, and Garchomp's solo nature.
Take Sand Attack first, so you can catch up with the Lillipup during your inital clear, and keep your stacks as you go through. Dragon Rush is pretty great at getting in, and can crit. Dragon Claw can also crit, and help out with chunking the enemies. The two together in a combo deal incredible damage, especially when they crit.
Start off with your jungle clear, then go to whichever lane seems easiest to turn in. Then, go do the bees, then turn that in, then do 2 central Corphish, and turn that in. By the 8 minute mark, you should have turned in 2-3 times, and are halfway to level 7. Retreat into your jungle again, and repeat that same process before first Drednaw. You should be close to fully stacked, and at level 9. Taking first Drednaw at this point should be easy. Keep on farming for second Drednaw. Try to hit level 12. Before Zapdos, you should have your stacks finished, and at level 14, since 14 gives you a spike in power with very high stats and Dragon Claw+. From then on, you should have an easy time sweeping the team, and then securing Zapdos.
Scope Lens with Dragon path allows you to deal simply absurd levels of burst, as well as helping your basics out. You should always be running Muscle Band, and in this build, you have great item synergy with both Scope Lens and Attack Weight. Attack Weight itself is great with Garchomp, since you can pop wild 'mons like balloons, and score very easily, allowing your damage to skyrocket. Fluffy Tail is great, as it has such a short cooldown, you can use it to jungle frighteningly fast, as well as take objectives within 8 seconds by yourself.
Item options can all replace Attack Weight, as it is not very good, especially if you find yourself behind. Score Shield, Buddy Barrier, Energy Amplifier and Focus Band are all fine options if you do not want to play hyper-offense. You can use other battle items, such as Eject Button (if you feel like you need to escape more often), Full Heal (if you do not have a Blissey to cancel CC), or Goal Getter (if your team already has great executes and you want to play even more offensive).
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user crustleenjoyer for sharing this guide on how to play Garchomp. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Garchomp in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Garchomp's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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