Toplane Terror Garchomp - XiONDiGiTaL
A Bruiser build for those with an aggressive playstyle.
Build Path

BulldozeFirst Pick

Dragon Rush
Displacement. (+)Slow.

Dragon Claw
Damage. Displacement. Then: Attack boost. Attack speed up. (+)Damage.

Livid OutrageUNITE
Damage. Displacement. Self-stun.
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Attack Damage (Upon Goal)
Garchomp is an All-Rounder who excels in 1v1 melee combat. It has a respectable amount of both attack & bulk allowing it to trade decently in team fights & while defending against multiple combatants. Starting off as Gible, that power is not fully in reach until level 10, making our friend a late bloomer when compared to some other pokemon. However, where some fall short during the mid to late game if not ahead, Gible continuously grows stronger with huge power spikes during the progression.
To set things in motion, use Bulldoze as your first pick ability, utilizing the AoE damage in combination with your basic attacks, to kill the multiple Aipom as you head into lane, quickly farming EXP along the way.
During your time as Gible, be very careful when playing against some of the strong base form pokemon such as Zeraora, Absol & Snorlax as they can overpower you in the early game if you let them. You are also highly susceptible to crowd control abilities.
Upon reaching level 6, Dragon Rush will allow Gabite to engage enemies forcefully. The Displacement it causes on the target allows for multiple plays to be made as it ruins enemy positioning. (IE: It functions as a gap closer during chases, it can also be used from the bushes to get the drop on an unsuspecting target, or be used to push an enemy closer to nearby allies to secure a kill or strategically move them away from objective areas & low health allies.
At level 8, get Dragon Claw as it gives a substantial boost to your damage output as it provides both Attack & Attack speed boost as opposed to Earthquake which is just a better bulldoze with minor crowd control.
Finally, at level 10 Garchomp is unleashed and you now have access to the Unite Ability Livid Outrage. This is best used to rip apart low-health enemies as a finisher or during team fights to secure multiple kills, turning the tide of battle in your team's favor. Be mindful of your surroundings as there is a self-induced stun effect after using this ability.
Moving on to held items, this is subjective to preference but you should prioritize choices that will benefit your damage output. Muscle Band & Attack Weight serve this purpose well. Float stone supplements your attack boosts & the movement speed helps as your mobility is low before level 6. Scope Lens, Assault Vest & Rocky Helmet are also viable situational choices.
As for battle items, X Attack works wonders when dealing with multiple enemies at once or against bulky tanks. If your team is attacker-heavy though, Eject Button is suitable.
All in all, while a powerhouse, Garchomp is not invincible so reckless plays will be punished. Do not overextend in lane or try to engage multiple full health targets alone or get hit by a bunch of crowd control abilities. Focus on objectives such as scoring points, assisting the team with Drednaw/Rotom/Zapdos & dealing heavy damage during team fights and you will be fine.
Works Well With

Alolan Ninetales has great crowd control abilities in the form of slows and stuns. If it's running Aurora Veil, be sure to use its AoE to your advantage as it has good synergy with Garchomp's aggressive approach to combat.
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user XiONDiGiTaL for sharing this guide on how to play Garchomp. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Garchomp in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Garchomp's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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