Greninja Jungle monste Greninja - RayquazaTrainer3917133
Greninja Jungle is insane
Build Path

BubbleFirst Pick
Damage. Slow.

Damage. Displacement. HP Vamp. Instant cooldown on takedown.

Invisible. Movement Speed up. Attack boost. (+)Increased Attack upon reveal.

Waterburst ShurikenUNITE
AOE damage and Slow. Then AOE damage. Displacement. Then: Dash.
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Critical Damage
Hi guys
I've been playing greninja jungle and reached veteran 2 with a 71% winrate in 69 games (nice)
Why is greninja an awesome jungler?
His whole kit is a jungle kit:
His passive deal extra damage based on HP missing so it's a huge finisher for neutral objective
You get the smokescreen at level 5 which is an awesome tool for ganking
And level 7 surf allows you to do incredible burst damages, especially while ganking. if you can steal a monster with Surf, you'll get a free cast and you can double surf. Surf does about 1/3rd of an opponent life bar (except tanks and all-rounder), which does make a double cast +AA almost always lethal for any gank you try.
Greninja is also really good at counter jungling, being able to go very deep and leave unscathed thanks to the smokescreen invisibility + eject button to reach hidden bushes.
Greninja can take on anyone in Duel, mainly because his smokescreen and Surf allow him to dodge all of his jungle's opponent ability, especially gengar. He can kite absol and Zeraora easily as well.
Greninja struggle slightly in late game, but your early/mid game impact should allow your team to snowball the late game as well.
His main weakness comes from his ultimate. Greninja still receive AOE damage while casting and channelling his ultimate, making it a deadly move for him if utilized at a wrong time. it's best used on the backline so use the manual cast !
Greninja does struggle against all-rounder like machamp or garchomp, and against Pikachu due to his ability to point and click damage.
One of the perks of learning this pick is that it is very likely that the other junglers will be nerfed while he may be buffed so I really recommend learning greninja and playing him jungle. His kit is a jungler's kit ! And his kit is really fun !
Thank you for reading, please upvote if you enjoyed this build and don't hesitate to message me for more info/ to debate !
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user RayquazaTrainer3917133 for sharing this guide on how to play Greninja. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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