Field Operator Gardevoir - SchlorpCorp
Controls the field by conducting opponents' movement
Build Path

ConfusionFirst Pick

Damage. Cooldown Reduction (on-hit). (+)Increasing damage.

AOE damage. Retreat. Stun. (+)Shield.

Fairy SingularityUNITE
Displacement. Then: Damage. Displacement.
Stat Boosts
Special Move Vamp
Shield (Upon Unite)
- When the game starts go either top or bottom lane with a pokemon that can protect and support Ralts; going jungle can work but often a different jungler is a better option
- When Ralts evolves into Kirlia you gain access to psyshock and future sight; future sight gives an extremely high damage move that takes a second to go off, while psyshock gives you a move that does less damage per hit, but hits three times in an area allowing for powerful field control
- At level 8 Kirlia can choose between moonblast and psychic; psychic is better for controling opponents' movements, while moonblast can stun, helping keep targets in place allowing Gardevoir to either escape or set off a powerful psyshock or future sight (choose psychic for a more supportive role and moonblast for a more offensive role)
- Drednaw is extremely important early game for gaining faster access to Kirlia and its powerful moves
- Gardevoir's unite move is a powerful field control option that drags opponents in, dealing damage and allowing you to set up for easy kills
- In 1-on-1 fights make sure to keep near maximum targeting distance, away from the opponent, and don't be afraid to disengage and escape; due to Gardevoir's frailty, it quickly dies when opposing pokemon get too close
- In team fights remain behind your teamates, trying to use moonblast to stun opponents and firing off psyshocks in high density areas to quickly kill or control multiple opponents
- Psyshock has a cooldown reduction each time one of its three hits lands, using moonblast to stun and following up with psyshock can usually garuntee atleast two if not three hits allowing for a quick follow-up with another psyshock
- Always save your unite move for when it can best be used against multiple opponents in a team fight (such as the Zapdos, Drednaw, and Rotom fights)
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user SchlorpCorp for sharing this guide on how to play Gardevoir. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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