The Slow Mage Gardevoir - Kujo
Might add a few more things on this build later on
Build Path

ConfusionFirst Pick

Damage. Cooldown Reduction (on-hit). (+)Increasing damage.


Fairy SingularityUNITE
Displacement. Then: Damage. Displacement.
Stat Boosts
Special Move Vamp
Unite Move Damage Increase
At the start of a match go for confusion. It does great damage and helps you grind early game after reaching level 3 you will get teleport. You can use teleport to get close to an enemy or use it to get away it also gives you a boost on your next auto attack
so an early game combo would go like this x attack ( if needed ) + teleport + an auto attack + confusion and at level 6 and 8 is where you get psyhsock and psychic. Level 9 is where you get Fairy Singularity. Psychic does AOE damage and slow enemies in an area this makes psyshock easier to land a combo mid to end game would be x attack + psychic + physhock
Works Well With

Alolan ninetales is great CC slowing and freezing opposing pokemon this would help Gardevoir land its attaks more easily

Wigglytuffs usually provides great support but its sing move slows and puts pokemon to sleep all while lowering their defences this pares so well with this build not only would Gardevoir get to land its attacks with ez but it would also do crazy amounts of damage due to the defences being lowered on the targeted pokemon
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user Kujo for sharing this guide on how to play Gardevoir. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Gardevoir in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Gardevoir's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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