Zeraora Guide Zeraora - frisco
The perfect late game Assassin
Build Path

SlashFirst Pick
Dash. Damage. Displacement.

Volt Switch
Dash. Attack Speed up. Then: Dash back.

AOE damage. Shield. Then: Displacement. Stun. (+)Slow.

Plasma GaleUNITE
AOE damage. Displacement. Increased attack range.
Stat Boosts
Critical Damage
Unite Move Damage Increase
Want to do some crazy 1v2 or 1v3 into late game ? Carry fights by yourself ? Then Zeraora is made for you !
First, you are a jungler, not a laner, which mean you can easily make a huge difference early on by getting way more experience than other player. Try to get your level 5 before ganking a lane. Ganking a losing lane / a lane under it's tower is most of the time the best choice cause your opponent will be way more vulnerable. Remember you dont have that much damage in early game, so avoid diving under tower and just keep presure on lane while farming your jungle.
At level 6, you unlock Volt Switch, which is a 2 activations dash. First, you dash and deal damage, leaving a marker where you started your dash. At any point, you can reactivate Volt Switch to come back at the marker, dealing damage to enemie you hit. It's a very useful ability to poke a bit, and most of the time, kill 1 or 2 people then come back to a safe position. At this point, you should continue farming for level 8, your damage output still being a bit low. Spark is also a great option but require a bit more skill to trully use its potential.
Level 8 is where the fun begin, unlocking Discharge will grant you way more damage as before, reminder Discharge scale with AD damage, so your itemisation might include some AD and not Sp. AD. At this point of the game, you can start ganking a lot more, you finaly have a real damage output, and can easily finish off large group of enemies by yourself. At this point, a good combo can be Volt Switch in, Discharge, auto attack until the end of discharge then go back with Volt Switch second activation. Remember you are playing Eject Button so you can be extra greedy and try for some tower diving.
When unlocking Plasma Gale at level 10, you are basicly a monster, each time your Unite ability is up, do not hesitate to pick up fights against 1 or 2 opponent. The Energy Amplifier item will give you a huge amount of damage. When you can, do not hesitate to punish your opponent by using Plasma Gale -> Volt Switch -> Discharge -> Auto Attack to death. This combo is impossible to dodge (unless you are Gengar or Cinderace), deal way to much damage, and can kill easily 2 or 3 people if they are a bit packed.
In end game, Discharge will also give you a little shield which is really appreciable to help you engage fights by yourself. Volt Switch will also give you a bit of attack speed which is always good to have.
For the itemisation, Energy Amplifier allow you to destroy fights in late game and keep one shoting enemies priority target. Scope Lens is exelent to shot down fast your opponent with a bit of luck, and Float Stone is just a really great items overall giving you Movement Speed and AD Damage.
You can also try out Muscle Band instead of Float Stone if you wish for more damage or even Attack Weight.
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user frisco for sharing this guide on how to play Zeraora. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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