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Crab Trap

Crab Trap Crustle - PrinceOfAsphodel

Updated Aug 30, 2023
Rock Slide
Rock Slide
Rock Tomb
Rock Tomb
Exp. ShareBuddy BarrierFocus BandPotion
Rock Slide
Rock Tomb
Exp. Share
Buddy Barrier
Focus Band
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Defender Bottom Lane

The build that got me to Master in my first season playing Unite

Build Path

<Rock Slide

Rock SlideFirst Pick

AOE damage. Stun.

<Rock Tomb

Rock Tomb

AOE damage. Wall. (+)Slow.



Damage. Displacement. Conditional Stun.

<Rubble Rouser

Rubble RouserUNITE

Shield. AOE damage. Stun.

Exp. Share

Exp. Share

Passively gain EXP every second while you have the lowest level on your team. However, you forfeit any EXP you'd normally gain when assisting teammates against wild Pokemon.

Buddy Barrier

Buddy Barrier

When using a Unite Move, shield yourself and your nearby ally with the lowest HP.

Focus Band

Focus Band

When HP is low, gradually recovers HP.



Restore a small amount of HP over time.

Stat Boosts

Focus Band
Exp. Share
Buddy Barrier
Exp. Share

Shield (Upon Unite)

Bonus Passive Experience


You want to play Crustle if you're a safe, methodical player. This build isn't the best at rewarding your good plays, but it's really good at punishing your opponents' bad plays. Rock Tomb is crucial because it severely cuts the opponents' abilities to back out of a tricky situation. The build says bottom lane but top lane is just fine. Just don't jungle obviously xD

Exp.Share is a must for me, since it means my lane partner hits key levels even earlier. The Buddy Barrier is great on many supporters and defenders. It makes Crustle's Rubble Rouser great at flipping team fights. Focus Band is my preferred choice but the least important of the 3. It could be argued X Speed is the correct battle item. I was planning to switch to it eventually but I liked Potion so much, I never did. Both seem really good.

Important Levels: 4, 6, 9.
Pretty obvious in terms of what the best levels are but still some things to note. The best thing about level 4 is the extra defense that comes with evolution, since it's likely your lane partner will be too weak to make great use of your Rock Tomb yet, unless the enemies are acting carelessly. At level 6, the newly buffed X-Scissor makes it so you don't have to rely entirely on your partner to secure a kill after Rock Tomb. At level 9 you get access to an incredible unite move that lets you easily 1v3 opponents in many scenarios.

Emblems: Ho-oh, Aerodactyl, Nidoqueen, Primeape, Tyranitar, Piloswine, Gyarados, Pidgeot, Kangaskhan, Dunsparce (6 Brown, 2 Blue, 6 White)

Crustle is good against opponents with low defense that try to stay a safe distance away from fights, like Gardevoir, Ninetales, Espeon, etc. This is because Crustle's Rock Tomb cuts off their escape time considerably, making it much easier for the bruisers on your team to catch up and crush them. Some of the worst matchups have been flyers like Charizard and Talonflame, who can mostly play around Rock Tomb. Also, anyone who can dash out of Rock Tomb with moves or Eject Buttons can also be a headache. You work really well in lane with any attackers or all rounders who take advantage of your rock tomb traps. Ninetales has been nice because Avalanche and Blizzard both shoot into your rock tomb pocket.

Works Well With

Alolan Ninetales

Blizzard and Avalanche are really good at smacking opponents that are already stuck in a Rock Tomb. The attacks fit each other like a glove.

Reported Icon This build was created in the game version of It may contain inaccuracies in the data that is used compared to the current version of

Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user PrinceOfAsphodel for sharing this guide on how to play Crustle. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.

There are indeed many ways to play Crustle in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Crustle's moves and the items you can assign to it.

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