AOE Support Wigglytuff - Kujo
Support your allies and cause chaos to the enemy team.
Build Path

PoundFirst Pick

Double Slap

Starlight RecitalUNITE
AOE Shield. AOE Cleanse. AOE Spellproof.
Stat Boosts
Special Move Vamp
Shield (Upon Unite)
Unite Move Damage Increase
This build is mostly to support your teammates and cause chaos to the enemy team. Wigglytuff's support in a battle could help your allies in tough situations like fighting zapdos, ganking, defending and taking down lanes all while providing AOE damage and having great sustain to push through battles.
Shell bell + Buddy barrier gives you a lot of hp with a little healing in battle the buddy barrier is a really good item when it comes to supportive unite moves once you use your unite move it makes the user and its lowest hp ally gain a shield of a percentage of their respective maximum HPs which is really huge and would help your teammates through hard battles even if it's just you and one pokemon all this is if used right. Energy Amplifier also pairs well with your unite, increasing your damage for a short time after using your unite move. It also increases your aeos energy gather rate and gives cooldown reduction as well as giving you a +6% unite move charge rate (faster unite charge). This item does alot in battle; both shell bell and the energy amplifier give you cooldown reduction while increasing your damage you could also find a use for focus band on this build too replacing Shell bell since it gives you a good amount of healing in battle when your low while giving you a little increase in defense.
When at the start of a game try to go with at least one of your teammates your first pick is going to be pound so you can farm pokemon much faster after that you'll get defense curl. Once reaching level 4 you will evolve and you will also get the chance to go for sing, choose sing and help your allies defend and take down lanes. Sing is a really good move for CC (crowd control) once used it gives an AOE (area of effect) slow effect while lowering the defense of your enemies this also puts them to sleep if they stay too long in range sing does and helps a lot early game so I recommend try grinding to level 4 to get to this move so you and your team can have an advantage early game. The Slow smoke attack item pairs well with sing slowing them again so you and your teammates could pull off attacks Slow smoke can also be used to get closer to your opponents or for an escape another attack item I see that would work in replace for Slow smoke would be x speed or the eject button. When reaching level 6 go for Double slap this move also provides AOE (area of effect) damage just like Pound. Double slap also slows opponents. Finally now Starlight Recital wigglytuff's unite move you obtain this move at level 8 please try to use your unite move in team fights as much as possible and not just for yourself Starlight Recital gives shields to you and your nearby allies, cleansing everyone of their hindrances and giving a immune effect to new hindrances for a short time. Basically stopping all acts of CC (crowd control) and hindrances done to your allies while making you and your teammates take less damage due to the shields; Buddy Barrier stacks with this too.
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user Kujo for sharing this guide on how to play Wigglytuff. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Wigglytuff in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Wigglytuff's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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