Detailed kite birb. Cramorant - LucarioFighter5429790
This birb goes
Build Path

WhirlpoolFirst Pick
Increasing AOE damage with decreasing AOE range. Slow. Reloads prey.

AOE damage. Displacement. Reloads prey.

Air Slash
Retreat. AOE damage. CDR (on-hit) (+)Heal (on-hit).

Gatling Gulp MissleUNITE
Constant damage to nearest target.
Stat Boosts
Special Move Vamp
Shield (Upon Unite)
Heyo, I am Sylv mostly known as a League of Legends Caster and Analyst in the ERLs. In Pokemon Unite I have so far played Cramorant only and after a lot of testing in casual I settled on a quite combo for birb. I was planning on a much bigger guide but character limit hit me here.
1. The idea
So what is Cramorants role in Unite? Hes an attacker which means he is supposed to provide a lot of dmg and in some cases CC, killing people fast to make your team able to push and get points. They usually struggle when Bruisers and Speedsters get onto them and are good when they are able to keep distance dishing out damage over time. If you come from another MOBA you could call them a mix of mages (Ninetails) and ADCs (Cinderace). As they keep the Distance they are sometimes struggling to score points for your team since they might be too far away to arrive in time to score after a skirmish.
However this builds makes Cramorant fill a little bit of a different role in the sense that he becomes a battle mage. Someone who is dashing in and out of a fight constantly and is able to provide a big threat to the enemy attackers that you might would expect of a speedster while also being able to kite most Bruisers, Tanks and Supporters around. In the end you either have another defensive powertool or a teamfight cleanup tool at your disposal with your ultimate.
3. Item Choices
Buddy Barrier: Essential, cause its sooo good.
Shell Bell: Essential, Provides Healing, works with your spells but not your third hit auto.
3rd is variable between Wise Glasses, Sp. Atk Specs, Focus Band and Energy Amplifier.each providing different things. See what your playstyle is and then decide.
Active you can go for whatever you want. I run eject button or full heal usually,
4. Laning: Clear with Whirlpool and get as much exp as possible. If you got some CC or a supporter you can fight early with an lvl advantage. Whirlpool ahead of WIld Pokemon clears them very fast early on. But at first you wanna check the waters in botlane: Try to deny the enemy team a camp or stuff but dont go to aggressive and be vary of the enemy jungler. With Airslash you can deal a good chunk while kiting backwards and with backup CC you can even land whirlpool easily sometimes resulting in surprise kills. But overall be careful.
5. Mid to late game: Kite back or around, dont go in for no reason, dive in for easy kills. If you struggle here and get blown up consider full heal or focus band, Safe ult for objectives like Rotom or Zapdos.
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user LucarioFighter5429790 for sharing this guide on how to play Cramorant. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
There are indeed many ways to play Cramorant in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Cramorant's moves and the items you can assign to it.
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